The Hub can't exist without you. Everyone who visits, posts and prays keeps the heart of the Hub beating. In addition, a group of hard-working volunteers monitor and contribute to the forums and others section of the site. Finally, there is the team that created, develop and maintain The Hub... 


Sarah Horsman, Warden of Sheldon. Shared the initial vision for the Hub with Carl and now has oversight of the project including publicity, forum moderation, steering future direction and content development. Oh, and fundraising too. 


Carl Lee, Lay Chaplain of Sheldon. Shared the initial vision for the Hub with Sarah. Less interested in the tech side of things, and more in how the Hub can be helpful to people. Keeps the whole thing rooted and not flying off into cyberspace.


Darren Hill, editor. Arrived fashionably late after the hard work of setting up the Hub had been done. With experience in publishing and a love of creativity, spirituality and technology, Darren now creates and curates for the Hub... and tries not to break it.

Alison Wedgbury was part of the original Hub working group and then lived as an Alongsider at Sheldon for 18 months as it was being built. She currently manages the Hub Twitter and Facebook feeds.

Share the best resources with live listings of useful people and places for ministry.

Support one another with prayer, advice and a listening ear at tough times.

Sustain yourself in ministry alongside others who really get what it’s like at the sharp end.

The Sheldon Hub is a safe place for people in ministry to share together. It is secure and free to use.