

Author: Knight, Rhona
Publisher: Grove Books
Year Published: 2021

Explores how church congregations can pursue mission in a context of loss, suffering and lament.

Created on 02 Jun 2021
Last updated on 03 Jun 2021
Moderated on 03 Jun 2021


A short Grove Books booklet by a priest and former GP describing how trauma affects the individual, congregations and communities, with thoughts about the theology of trauma and mission.  Relevant to COVID-19, but also wider examples of traumatic incidents.

The short- and long-term impacts of trauma on mental and physical health have long been recognized, and will be ever more apparent in a future shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This powerful guide explores how church congregations can pursue mission in a context of loss, suffering and lament. It examines the nature of trauma for individuals and communities, probes the theological basis for a Christian response, and urges congregations to be prepared to offer trauma care ‘for such a time as this.’

Available from Grove Books (MEv 133)