Author: Maynard, Dennis R.
ISBN: 978-1484085554
Publisher: Dionysus Publications
Year Published: 2013
Some practical advice on how to find healing if you have been a victim of a sheep attack.
Created on 24 Aug 2021
Last updated on 25 Aug 2021
Moderated on 25 Aug 2021

Every six minutes a handful of parish members (often no more than a half dozen) bully, intimidate, threaten and blackmail successful pastors into resigning their ministries. The wounds they inflict on these pastors and their families remain with them for the balance of their lives. Congregational leaders that stand with the pastors are often attacked and left wounded from the same trauma. This is a book of healing. It is written for senior pastors, music ministers, lay professionals and lay leaders that are suffering from the wounds of a sheep attack. The author examines the depth of the pain that the antagonists are able to inflict. He brings forth the damaging effects of Chronic Stress, Emotional Memories, Burnout and Post Traumatic Stress Injury. Based on the experiences of over 200 clergy of virtually every branch of Christianity and Jewish Rabbis he describes the methods they have utilized to heal and move forward with their lives. This is the third book in the series on "sheep attacks" by The Reverend Doctor Dennis Maynard. The others are: "When Sheep Attack" and "Preventing A Sheep Attack".
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