Resources in the selected type

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Showing 1 to 1000 of 1561
Have A Little Faith: Life Lessons on Love, Death and How Lasagne Always Helps
?A joyous collection of life lessons from Kate Bottley... View
Resonant Leadership
Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others Through Mindfulness, Hope and Compassion... View
The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss
Helping pet owners complete their relationship to the emotions caused by the death of a pet.... View
Online (website)
Readcycle your books and computers and track your impact on learning... View
Image & Vision: Reflecting with the Book of Kells
This copy of the Gospels was created for the worship of God, using images and humour.... View
Daily Prayer and Divine Office: A Short Introduction
Revealing the riches of the Daily Prayer from the Divine Office for religious and lay people alike... View
First Response when CDM lands
Practical tips on getting off on the right foot when a CDM complaint is made against you... View
Journey to the cross service
Online (website)
Free resource from Roots for Easter... View
Jumping Fish Publications
Online (website)
Resources for use in all-age and children's worship... View
He Loves Me: Learning to Live in the Father's Affection
Readers will learn how to live consciously and confidently in God's love all the time.... View
Prayer Eleven
Online (website)
Website with prayer resources and listings... View
Community Trade Union
Organisation or Network
Community is a modern trade union... View
MileIQ app
Online (website)
Track your business drives with MileIQ, a simple but powerful app to track miles.... View
Rescuing the church from consumerism
Looking at how our upbringing in a consumer society influences church life... View
Finding Stability in Times of Change
The book includes practical and achievable suggestions for readers to consider in their own life.... View
Coming In: Gays and Lesbians Reclaiming the Spiritual Journey
Exploring spirituality for gay and lesbian people to foster spiritual discovery.... View
Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission Report
Document Download
Detailed guidelines for "safe church practices"... View
CEECA - part of the Faithworkers' Branch of Unite the Union
Organisation or Network
Church of England Employee and Clergy Advocates (CEECA)... View
3D Coaching
Organisation or Network
Bringing together quality vocational and professional development... View
Under Authority Revisted
Document Download
Report from Clergy Conduct Measure Implementation Group GS 2277... View
Transforming Conversations by 3D Coaching
Organisation or Network
Making a difference to everyday conversations... View
Online (website)
Database application for multiple platforms... View
Rule Britannia: Brexit and the End of Empire
Argues vote to leave EU was last gasp of old empire working its way out of British psyche... View
Online (website)
The first religious art shop in Italy, which sells exclusively online!... View
The uncomfortable truth about race and identity in Britain today... View
Black and British: A Forgotten History
The story of the relationship between the British Isles and the people of Africa and the Caribbean... View
After Christianity
Exploring the distinction between the Christian myth and human awareness of reality... View
Dare to Lead
How do you cultivate braver, more daring leaders? And how do you embed the value of courage ?... View
Chris Knott Insurance
Organisation or Network
Independent insurance broker based in Hastings, East Sussex.... View
Building Family Friendly Churches
?A practical guide to making local churches more accessible and open to families and children.... View
Working together to prevent terrorism
Online (website)
Safeguarding for those vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.... View
Miscarriage Association
Online (website)
Forum, helpline, research and resources for those affected by miscarriage... View
The Survivors Trust
Online (website)
Help for survivors of rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse and their supporters... View
Victim Support
Online (website)
Helpline and specialist support to help victims of crime to recover.... View
NAPAC: National Association for People Abused in Childhood
Organisation or Network
Helpline and support for adult survivors of childhood abuse.... View
Organisation or Network
Helpline for concerns about child abuse 0808 800 5000... View
Women's Aid
Online (website)
Chat, forum, email, resources and advocacy on domestic abuse.... View
Online (website)
Galop supports LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.... View
Diddy Disciples
Online (website)
Worship and Bible storytelling for Diddy Disciples... View
The Grief Recovery Handbook
Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses... View
Centre for Autism and Theology
Organisation or Network
University of Aberdeen, webinars etc: see Research Projects and Calendar of Events... View
Autistic Thinking in the Life of the church
Theologians address how autistic thinking can contribute to the life of the church.... View
Prayer during the day
Online (website)
framework for personal daily devotion... View
Hymnal Plus
Online (website)
Worship music solution. All the worship music you need, any time, anywhere.... View
David's Crown: Sounding the Psalms
Malcolm Guite's 150 poems in response to the Psalms in Coverdale's translation.... View
College of Healthcare Chaplains
Organisation or Network
Professional organisation for chaplains of all faiths in healthcare... View
Celebrating the Small Church
Harnessing the strengths of the small church... View
The Small Church is Different
US-focused discussion on issues for small churches... View
Celebrating Common Prayer
A version of The Daily Office... View
WPF Therapy Ltd
Organisation or Network
Psychodynamic psychotherapy.... View
How to lead when you don't know where you're going: Leading in a liminal season
How do you lead an organization stuck between an ending and a new beginning... View
On Animals: Volume 1
A rigorous engagement with the Christian tradition in relation to animals... View
Practical Church Management
Essential information on all aspects of modern church life... View
Two Dogs and a Parrot: What our Animal Friends Can Teach us about Life
Discussion of the spiritual connection between humans and their animal companions... View
On Animals: Volume II: Theological Ethics
An authoritative and comprehensive survey of human practice in relation to other animals... View
Things my dog has taught me: : About being a better human
How dogs can teach us to appreciate the world in which we live and develop better relationships... View
Here we go again? Give us a break
Blog post from the Tragedy and Congregations team, December 2021... View
Mentoring Matters by CPAS
Organisation or Network
An easy-to-use resource with everything you need to start a church-based mentoring network... View
Pray As You Go
Online (website)
Online prayer resources, written by Jesuits and other Ignatian spirituality experts.... View
Mothering Sunday
Media (video, audio)
Rev Canon Dr Sandra Millar explains Mothering Sunday: origins and practice.... View
Organisation or Network
National Association of Advisers in Women's Ministry... View
Two Grains of Wheat
A novel about loss and breakdown in ministry... View
Dealing with Bullies : A Gospel Response to the Social Disease of Adult Bullying
A Gospel Response to the Social Disease of Adult Bullying... View
Handbook of Workplace Violence
A comprehensive overview of current theory, research and practice relating to workplace violence... View
Safeguarding the Organization against Violence and Bullying: an International Perspective
The extant research evidence on occupational violence and bullying... View
Adult Bullying: Perpetrators and Victims
The voices of both bullies and victims reveal the misery that many adults endure... View
Bullying in Adulthood: assessing bullies and their victims
Examining the background factors to bullying.... View
Workplace Bullying - what we know, who is to blame and what can we do?
Explore all the issues associated with bullying in what is becoming a major issue in organizations... View
The Parish Survival Guide
With preparation and careful foundation work, the problems facing clergy can be prevented... View
Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership: How To Become An Effective Leader By Confronting Potential Failures (Revised Edition)
Valuable guidance for Christian leaders in dealing with the inherent risks of their work.... View
The Unnecessary Pastor: Rediscovering the Call
Best-selling authors Marva Dawn and Eugene Peterson offer encouragement to pastors.... View
Zero Degrees of Empathy. The new theory of human cruelty.
Presenting a new way of understanding what it is that leads individuals down negative paths.... View
Sex, Power, Control: Responding to Abuse in the Institutional Church
Sex, Power, Control explores the underlying reasons for the mishandling of recent abuse cases.... View
Lambeth Working Group on CDM
Document Download
Published papers of working group... View
Managing Clergy Lives: Obedience, Sacrifice, Intimacy
Clergy households in terms of personal relationships, spirituality and work-home balance... View
Healing for Pastors & People Following a Sheep Attack
Some practical advice on how to find healing if you have been a victim of a sheep attack.... View
The Solace of Fierce Landscapes
Exploring the journey through a spiritual wilderness... View
Faith after Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It
Faith After Doubt is for all those who feel that their faith is falling apart.... View
Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith
Reflecting on keeping faith and the relentless demands that characterise life for so many today.... View
Domuni Universitas
Online (website)
Individual courses, diplomas, and degrees all available at the International Dominican University... View
Tragedies and Christian Congregations
The practical theology of trauma.... View
Your Inner Security Guard discusses SCARF
Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness... View
The Amazing Technicolour Pyjama Therapy: And Other Ways to Fight Back Against Life-Changing Illness
Reclaim your life now you're ill, and find new ways to live well and serve effectively... View
Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I've Loved
Encounter one of the courageous few who articulates the grief felt contemplating our own mortality.... View
Into the Foothills of Transformation
A collection of Donald Eadie’s writing relating to the letting go of identity and role... View
Chrysalis: A Forgotten Phase in the Journey of Faith
Using the life-cycle of butterflies as a metaphor for the faith journey.... View
Wild Goose Big Book of Liturgies
Liturgies for church seasons, occasional offices and other events... View
Finding the Light in Dementia: A Guide for Families, Friends and Caregivers
Learn what to say and do from a Dementia Nurse Specialist and care with confidence.... View
Dementia, A Positive Response: Hope, Help and Humour on the Journey
Practical advice about how best to provide good and appropriate support for those with dementia.... View
Dementia Positive: A Handbook Based on Lived Experiences
For Everyone Wishing to Improve the Lives of Those With Dementia... View
Grace for the Unexpected Journey: A 60-Day Devotional for Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia Caregivers
When the struggles seem insurmountable, this devotional offers strength for caregivers... View
Petals of Prayer
Prayers and reflections offering insight and understanding on the challenge of dementia... View
Prayers for those with Dementia
Prayers with full-colour illustrations.... View
Prayers for Dementia and How to Live Well With It
Prayers and advice for people living with dementia, and those caring for them.... View
Creating Church at Home for Older People Living with Dementia
A personal resource or worship/study organised by a carer, friend, neighbour or family member... View
Living with Alzheimer’s: A Love Story
Respond to Alzheimer's, not with fear and incomprehension but with love and creative friendship... View
Where Memories Go: Why Dementia Changes Everything
A deeply intimate account of insidious losses and unexpected joys in the terrible face of dementia... View
Somebody I Used to Know
How do you conceive of love when you can no longer recognise those who mean the most to you?... View
What Dementia Teaches Us about Love
What does dementia mean, for those who live with it, and those who care for them?... View
Joseph: A Story of Resilience
Everyone knows the story of Joseph in the Bible - but what meaning does it have for Christians today... View
Dementia from the Inside: A Doctor’s Personal Journey of Hope
Helping people living with dementia and giving hope to those with them on the dementia journey... View
Sustaining Persons, Grieving Losses: A Fresh Pastoral Approach for the Challenges of the Dementia Journey
A pastoral approach emerges from cultural scholarship, rigorous research, and theological reflection... View
When Words Fail: Practical Ministry to People with Dementia and their Caregivers
Information and tools to meet the spiritual and pastoral needs of those living with dementia... View
Dementia: Pathways to Hope
Practical help, sound spiritual, and psychological insights to carers of those living with dementia... View
God in Fragments: Worshipping with Those Living with Dementia
God In Fragments equips those engaged in or preparing for ministry to people with dementia... View
Thinking of You: A Resource for the Spiritual Care of People with Dementia
Thinking of You is a comprehensive introduction to the subject of dementia.... View
Mission in a Time of Trauma: How Your Church Can Minister to its Community Through Crisis
Explores how church congregations can pursue mission in a context of loss, suffering and lament.... View
Scope and Purpose of CDM replacement
Document Download
Sheldon's outline for replacing the Clergy Discipline Measure... View
' I was handed over to the dogs'
Document Download
Lived experience, clerical trauma and the handling of complaints against clergy in the C of E... View
ELS report on CDM
Document Download
Reports and consultatons of ELS of working party on replacement of CDM... View
Tuning in to your Basic Rest Activity Cycle
A user's guide to the innate rhythms of the human body and mind... View
Choosing a Therapist or counsellor
Suggestions for how to choose a therapist or counsellor... View
CDC 2018 annual report
Document Download
Annual statistical report of the Clergy Discipline Commission... View
Reflection & action for bishops & the wider church
Document Download
C of E Covenant for the care and wellbeing of clergy... View
Trauma, Coronavirus and ministry
Media (video, audio)
Carla Grosch-Miller discusses how the current situation is affecting those in ministry... View
Coronavirus and Trauma
Document Download
One page intro to what we need to know about trauma as we enter lockdown... View
Collective loss
Media (video, audio)
An interview with Carla Grosch-Miller. What is trauma and how does it affect us?... View
Moral Injury
Document Download
An accessible academic paper on Moral Injury.... View
Online (website)
Seamless conference calls and online meetings, with crystal clear audio across the globe... View
Coronavirus: Missional and Theological Reflections
Online (website)
Weekly updated page from Churches Together in England with resources for theological relfection... View
I can't attend a funeral - liturgy
Document Download
A worship at home resource for funeral... View
Zoom for Newbies
Document Download
Step by step help for people new to using Zoom for meetings... View
A New Lease of Life
Anglican Clergy reflect on retirement... View
Churches Together Coronavirus Resources
Online (website)
Covid-19 Churches Together England resources vis coronavirus... View
Online (website)
App to listen to the bible... View
Finding Stability in Times of Change
Media (video, audio)
3 films providing a structure for a personal Quiet Day... View
Institute for Collective Trauma and Growth
Online (website)
For leaders, organizations, and communities ?impacted by collective trauma... View
Sheldon CDM Briefing Paper (Jan 2020)
Document Download
Outline briefing prepared for Parliament Office course... View
Seven Steps to a Significant Sabbatical
Collated wisdom from the Hub collective on the subject of Sabbaticals distilled into seven steps... View